Activities Upcoming events GlobaLS’ seminars ERC StG project - MapModern’s seminars Doctoral seminars ConferencesConferences, ERC ConferencesInternational Symposium on Global Literary Studies: Key ConceptsMay 20 2021, 12:00 am [Virtual]ReadConferences, ERC ConferencesInternational Conference: Cultural Organizations. Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)November 18 2020, 12:00 am [Virtual]ReadConferences, ERC ConferencesWebinar: Between the Nation and the World: the Role of Translation and Para-Diplomatic Initiatives in the Circulation of Small/Minor/Peripheral/Less Translated LiteraturesJune 29 2020, 12:00 am [Virtual]Read
Conferences, ERC ConferencesInternational Symposium on Global Literary Studies: Key ConceptsMay 20 2021, 12:00 am [Virtual]Read
Conferences, ERC ConferencesInternational Conference: Cultural Organizations. Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)November 18 2020, 12:00 am [Virtual]Read
Conferences, ERC ConferencesWebinar: Between the Nation and the World: the Role of Translation and Para-Diplomatic Initiatives in the Circulation of Small/Minor/Peripheral/Less Translated LiteraturesJune 29 2020, 12:00 am [Virtual]Read