News Archive 2021 2020 2019 20182021Gabriel Calabuig, nou doctorand a GlobaLS i membre del projecte “The Novel as a Global Form”October 1 2021Read2021Aina Vidal-Pérez a The Conversation: “¿Qué pasa con la autoficción en la literatura?”October 1 2021Read2021Aina Vidal-Pérez realitzarà una estada de recerca a la Universitat de GlasgowSeptember 17 2021Read2021Blog IN3: Global History Through Five Key ConceptsJuly 9 2021Read2021Diana Roig-Sanz a El Núvol: “Vull trencar amb la idea de centres innovadors i perifèries imitatives”July 9 2021Read2021Elisabet Carbó-Catalan farà una estada de recerca a la KU LeuvenJuly 9 2021Read2021El projecte “The Novel as Global Form. Poetic Challenges and Cross-border Literary Circulation” rebrà finançament del MICINNJune 7 2021Read2021Laura Fólica realitzarà una estada de recerca a la Universitat de TubingaMay 18 2021Read2021Lucía Campanella (Universidad de la República), investigadora visitant a GlobaLSMay 1 2021Read2021Especial Sant Jordi: GlobaLS reflexiona sobre per a què serveixen les HumanitatsApril 22 2021Read2021Entrevista a Ainamar Clariana sobre les dones en el sector de l’audiovisualApril 22 2021Read2021Ana Kvirikashvili ha guanyat la beca Fulbright per anar a la Universitat de Califòrnia a BerkeleyApril 22 2021Read2021Entrevista a la Diana i l’Elisabet: Challenges of Cultural Organizations. Between Local and GlobalMarch 5 2021Read2021Maud Gonne s’incorporarà a GlobaLS amb una beca Marie Skłodowska-CurieFebruary 1 2021Read2021Benvingut, Marvin Agüero!February 1 2021Read2021Ana Kvirikashvili publica un nou article: “State Cultural Policies in Georgia’s Small Book Market. Case of the Translation Grant Programme “Georgian Literature in Translation” (2010–2018)”January 22 2021Read2021Diana Roig-Sanz, nomenada professora d’investigació ICREA SèniorJanuary 22 2021Read2021Ainamar Clariana realitza una estada de recerca a la Universitat d’Oxford BrooksJanuary 22 2021Read2020An interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-SanzDecember 1 2020Read2020KU Leuven Doctoral ScholarshipsDecember 1 2020Read2020Call of “la Caixa” Foundation Doctoral FellowshipsDecember 1 2020Read2020Women Writers DayOctober 1 2020Read2020La literatura de urgencia durante el coronavirus: ¿cuándo hay que escribir para no caer en la banalidad?October 1 2020Read2020Call for Abstracts: Conference ‘The Complexity of Social-Cultural Emergence: Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies’ – KU Leuven (Belgium), 26-28 August 2021October 1 2020Read20209th Making of the Humanities conference, UOC-UPF – POSTPONED to 2021October 1 2020Read2020International conference Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880-1960)June 1 2020Read2020100 World Histories in 100 Words: Interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-SanzMay 1 2020Read2020Call for papers for the 9th Making of the Humanities conference, UOC-UPF. Barcelona, 21-23 September 2020April 1 2020Read2020Goal of the Making of the Humanities (MoH) ConferencesApril 1 2020Read2020UOC opens call for postdoctoral research staysFebruary 1 2020Read2020Doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”January 1 2020Read2019Workshop on translating humourNovember 1 2019Read2019CFP: Dossier “Gatekeepers o cómo se produce la literatura latinoamericana mundial”November 1 2019Read2019Dossier “Políticas de la poesía latinoamericana. Soportes y circulaciones disidentes”October 1 2019Read2019European Research and Innovation DaysSeptember 1 2019Read2019Two new researchers join our teamSeptember 1 2019Read20199th Congress of the European Society for Translation StudiesSeptember 1 2019Read2019Call for applications: 4-year fully funded doctoral fellowshipJuly 1 2019Read2019Diana Roig-Sanz will attend the First ERC Iberian SummitApril 1 2019Read2019New book by Diana-Roig Sanz and Jaume SubiranaApril 1 2019Read2019Aina Vidal has been awarded a FI 2019 grantMarch 1 2019Read2019New book by Marta Puxan-OlivaFebruary 1 2019Read2018Laura Fólica wins AIETI’s “Best Thesis of the Biennium” research awardDecember 1 2018Read2018Diana Roig-Sanz attends the 1st Meeting of the Leonardo Fellowship NetworkNovember 1 2018Read2018Interview with Diana Roig-Sanz on her ERC Project “Social Networks of the Past”September 1 2018Read2018Pau Bosch and Ana Kvirikashvili attend the Frankfurt International Book FairSeptember 1 2018Read
2021Gabriel Calabuig, nou doctorand a GlobaLS i membre del projecte “The Novel as a Global Form”October 1 2021Read
2021Aina Vidal-Pérez a The Conversation: “¿Qué pasa con la autoficción en la literatura?”October 1 2021Read
2021Aina Vidal-Pérez realitzarà una estada de recerca a la Universitat de GlasgowSeptember 17 2021Read
2021Diana Roig-Sanz a El Núvol: “Vull trencar amb la idea de centres innovadors i perifèries imitatives”July 9 2021Read
2021El projecte “The Novel as Global Form. Poetic Challenges and Cross-border Literary Circulation” rebrà finançament del MICINNJune 7 2021Read
2021Especial Sant Jordi: GlobaLS reflexiona sobre per a què serveixen les HumanitatsApril 22 2021Read
2021Ana Kvirikashvili ha guanyat la beca Fulbright per anar a la Universitat de Califòrnia a BerkeleyApril 22 2021Read
2021Entrevista a la Diana i l’Elisabet: Challenges of Cultural Organizations. Between Local and GlobalMarch 5 2021Read
2021Ana Kvirikashvili publica un nou article: “State Cultural Policies in Georgia’s Small Book Market. Case of the Translation Grant Programme “Georgian Literature in Translation” (2010–2018)”January 22 2021Read
2021Ainamar Clariana realitza una estada de recerca a la Universitat d’Oxford BrooksJanuary 22 2021Read
2020La literatura de urgencia durante el coronavirus: ¿cuándo hay que escribir para no caer en la banalidad?October 1 2020Read
2020Call for Abstracts: Conference ‘The Complexity of Social-Cultural Emergence: Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies’ – KU Leuven (Belgium), 26-28 August 2021October 1 2020Read
2020International conference Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880-1960)June 1 2020Read
2020100 World Histories in 100 Words: Interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-SanzMay 1 2020Read
2020Call for papers for the 9th Making of the Humanities conference, UOC-UPF. Barcelona, 21-23 September 2020April 1 2020Read
2019CFP: Dossier “Gatekeepers o cómo se produce la literatura latinoamericana mundial”November 1 2019Read
2019Dossier “Políticas de la poesía latinoamericana. Soportes y circulaciones disidentes”October 1 2019Read
2018Interview with Diana Roig-Sanz on her ERC Project “Social Networks of the Past”September 1 2018Read