

Diana Roig-Sanz (IP, IN3-UOC)

Gabriella Gavagnin (UB)

Víctor Martínez-Gil (UAB)

Jaume Subirana (UOC, UPF)

Laura Fólica (IN3-UOC)

Ventsislav Ikoff (IN3-UOC)


November 2016

November 2019

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MapModern: Mapping Hispanic Modernity. Cross-Border Literary Networks and Cultural Mediators (1908-1939)

This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity (Reference: FFI2016-76055-P), setting the grounds for a new approach to explore transnational processes of cultural transformation.

To do so, it proposed an innovative investigation within modernist studies: the impact of Hispanic cultural mediators in international modernity during the first half of the twentieth century.

Its goal was to address the fact that literature on aesthetic modernity tends to overlook Hispanic modernism and continues to locate it on the periphery, despite the fact that, from the 1900s onwards, Hispanic mediators participated in the cultural arena and were active in intercultural and multilingual networks.

This project argued that these networks enabled Hispanic mediators to play a prominent role in the international scene, helping them revitalize both Europe and their local milieus. MapModern understood cultural mediators as agents who meet at least two main parameters: multilingualism, on the one hand, and the performance of numerous activities and roles across linguistic, artistic, and geographical borders, on the other.

More information about the project