Postdoctoral researcher (IN3-UOC)
Aurea Mota
Aurea Mota studied sociology at the Minas Gerais Federal University, Brazil (BA and MA) and completed her PhD at the Institute of Social and Political Studies in Rio de Janeiro.
During her PhD, Aurea was a visiting researcher at Sussex University’s Department of Sociology (UK). She was also a visiting fellow at the University of Hamburg in 2019 and received two awards from the Latin American Social Science Research Council (CLACSO).
Aurea worked as a post-doctoral researcher for the ERC project “Trajectories of Modernity”. As a product of this project, she coauthored the book Collective Action and Political Transformation alongside Professor Peter Wagner.
Currently, she is a member of the Political Philosophy Group at CLACSO and an associate researcher at the Centre d’Estudis sobre Cultura, Política i Societat at the University of Barcelona (CECUPS/UB). In the Global Literary Studies Research Lab, she is the coordinator of the Global Literary Environments research line.
Aurea Mota is an interdisciplinary sociologist whose main research interests lie in social theory and comparative historical sociology. Her publications (including articles and books) deal with Latin America social and political thought, the human condition in the Anthropocene, historical sociology, and social theory.
Selected Bibliography
Mota, Aurea and Peter Wagner. Collective Action and Political Transformations: The Entangled Experiences in Brazil, South Africa and Europe, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 272 pp.
Mota, Aurea. “World-Sociology Beyond Eurocentrism: Considerations on Peter Wagner’s Theory of Modernity”. Social Imaginaries, vol. 4, no. 1, 2018, pp. 71-86.
Mota, Aurea. “On Spaces and Experiences: Modern Displacements, Interpretations and Universal Claims”. The Moral Mappings of South and North, edited by Peter Wagner, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp. 161-182.
Mota, Aurea. “O Constitucionalismo Democrático Latino-americano em Perspectiva Histórica”. O Constituticionalismo Democrático Latino-Americano em Debate: Soberania, Separação de Poderes e Sistem de Direito, organized by Leonardo Avritzer, Lilian Cristina Bernardo Gomes, Marjorie Corrêa Marona, and Fernando Antônio de Carvalho Dantas, Autêntica, 2018, pp. 77-96.
Mota, Aurea. “Colonialismo y Modernidad: Historización Crítica de un Debate”. Modernidad, Colonialismo y Emancipación en América Latina, edited by Eduardo Rueda and Susana Villavicencio, CLACSO, 2018, pp. 101-124.