
Seminaris projecte ERC StG - MapModern

15 Octubre 2021, 3:00 pm



ERC StG project - MapModern and GlobaLS

Seminaris GlobaLS
Seminaris projecte ERC StG - MapModern
Seminaris doctorals

Qui compta? Representacions de gènere al cinema i la seva circulació, by Mar Binimelis Adell

Organized by the ERC StG project Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity (1898-1959) (Grant agreement No 803860), led by Diana Roig Sanz (IN3 – Arts and Humanities Department, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

Texts under discussion:

•          Mar Binimelis. “Perspectivas teóricas en torno a la representación de las mujeres en el cine: una breve aproximación histórica”, Secuencias: Revista de historia del cine, 42, 2015: 7-34.

•          Mar Binimelis, Josetxo Cerdán & Miguel Fernández Labayen. “In and out: the transnational circulation of Spanish cinema in digital times”, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 16 (1), 2015: 1-8.

•          Elena Ortega Oroz & Mar Binimelis. “Who counts? The presence of women directors in Spanish independent cinema through a data analysis of film circulation”, Comunicación y Sociedad, 3 (33), 2020: 101-118.

Mar Binimelis Adell is a professor of the Department of Communication of the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) and the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Women’s Studies, Gender and Citizenship (UB). Member of the TRACTE research group (Traducción Audiovisual, Comunicación y Territorio), of the MYC project (red internacional de investigación Mujeres y Cine) and CEIG researcher (Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies of the UVic-UCC).

She publishes regularly in academic journals. She is currently working on editing from the books Espectáculo de frontera y contranarrativas migrantes. Estudios de caso sobre la representación y autorepresentación audiovisual de los migrantes y refugiados en dos orillas del Atlántico (Binimelis-Adell, Mar & Varela Huertas, Amarela, (eds.) Peter Lang) and Conversaciones con mujeres profesionales del sector cinematográfico español (Annette Scholz, Elena Oroz, Mar Binimelis-Adell & Marta Álvarez, (eds.) Peter Lang. Romania Viva Collection).

Researcher of the project of I+D “Las relaciones transnacionales en el cine digital hispanoamericano: los ejes de España, México y Argentina” (CSO2014-52750-P). Project coordinator of ‘Crossroads’ (European Commission. Erasmus+) and ‘Transformando imaginarios de género’ (ICD), among others. In addition to around gender also investigates other axes of inequality and power in the media communication and audiovisuals. She has been a visiting researcher at Vassar College (New York), at the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) and at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin between other institutions.